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Student Support

Our Team

We have a great team at LEAD to support each of our students.

About the Counseling Program

​The LEAD Counseling Program is a fully implemented comprehensive school counseling program that is an integral part of a school district's total educational program.  It is developmental by design and includes sequential activities organized and implemented by school counselors with the active support of parents/guardians, teachers, administrators, and the community. It supports the academic, career, and social/emotional development of all students through the delivery of counseling curriculum, individual student planning, and responsive services. The program is managed and evaluated through system support activities that also support the on-going mission of the school.

LEAD Student Support Program Includes


Community Resources

Here are some resources for you. Be sure to visit Student and Family Support on the district website for additional resources. 

  • Crisis Text Line: Text "Hello" to 741741 to speak with a mental health professional.
  • United Way: 211 is a free and confidential service that connects people to everyday needs that aren’t quite 9-1-1 emergencies. Need to find counseling? A health clinic? Job training? A food pantry? Simply dial 2-1-1, or visit United Way 2-1-1 Online to search for resources on your own.
  •  Northland Human Services Directory 

Youth Resources

  • Suicide Crisis Hotline:  1-888-279-8188
  • ​National Suicide Crisis Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
  • The Trevor Project: National LGBTQ Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Hotline:  1-866-488-7386
  • Thursdays Child: Helping children & young adults who are abused, missing, anorexic, bulimic, suicidal, cutters, runaways, victims of date rape, bullying or trafficking or have issues with drugs or alcohol.

Stress, Anxiety and Mindfulness Resources


Check out the district's high school career and education planning guide as you prepare for enrollment.

College Planning


Learn more about the tests you can take, and ways to prepare. 

Paying for College


Amanda Shanks
School Counselor: A-K
Meeting Request

Rachel Colvin
School Counselor: L-Z
Meeting Request

Types of LEAD Counseling Services

The LEAD Counseling Department strives to enable students to reach their academic and human potential. To attain this goal, we offer the following services:

  • ​Individual academic planning and advisement
  • Crisis counseling 
  • Academic counseling
  • Individual Career and Academic Plan development
  • ​Individual counseling 
  • Small group and large group counseling
  • Assistance with course selection and scheduling 
  • College information and planning 
  • Post-secondary information and planning 
  • Career exploration
  • Meetings and collaboration with students, parents, teachers, administrators 
  • ​Classroom presentations on school counseling related topics​